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An Eye on Communication

Face-to-face communication is taking a backseat to email, texting and social media. Yet research shows that 90% of communication occurs non-verbally, leaving only 10% for verbal or written communication. With statistics like that it’s no wonder that our messages get lost in translation as face-to-face communication diminishes.

Communication is critical in both our professional and personal life.

Do you find yourself explaining your message more than once? Are you frustrated at the lack of understanding when you communicate? Is it difficult to get employees/children or others do accomplish goals or tasks? Do you find your messages being ignored or people being unresponsive? Are you using the right communication method to match the importance and priority of your message?

When working with horses, they respond immediately to your message on a non-verbal level. They will illuminate your communication process and provide opportunities to try new ways of delivering your message, based on your actions and non-verbal communication.

You will be engaged in experiential activities where you can:

Our professional staff and horse partners lead participants through focused activities and discussions designed to heighten awareness of how they communicate, develop clear & consistent communication behaviors, and learn how to communication effectively and efficiently.

No horse experience is needed. All communication activities are done on the ground. No riding is involved.

Public workshops offered, also available to corporations, teams and organizations as a development workshop.

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